Unleash the power of Smooth Sailing with Sea-Slide® Formula
Sea-Slide® Formula Features
Durable dynamic
Durable dynamic
Reduces turbulence
Reduces turbulence
More speed, less fuel
More speed, less fuel
How it works
Sea-Slide Formula coating absorbs water but is not dissolved by water and uses a unique bonded interpolymer complex to bind water to the hull.
The coating is water-based polyurethane inter-polymer dispersion, which cures while drying to a durable, hydrophilic coating. It produces a surface with a low interfacial energy, which reduces the turbulence generated by a boat’s hull as it passes through water. Reduced turbulence means less hydrodynamic drag (the boat slides through the water with far less resistance) and therefore more speed using less fuel, or in the case of sail powered vessels, higher speeds in lighter winds.
Easy to apply
What are hydrophilic coatings?
Technically, the word hydrophilic means “water-loving” and refers to any material that associates closely with water. It is the opposite of hydrophobic or “water-repelling” substances, like silicone and wax.
Sea-Slide® Formula is designed for watercraft owners to easily apply and maintain an overcoat on their watercraft for one boating season. If the watercraft is out of the
water and once the Sea-Slide overcoat is dry, it may be touched up or reapplied at anytime.
Development Invented by Our Parent Company Hydromer Inc
Ready to set sail?
Sea-Slide® Formula is on sale. Get in touch with us today for more info and let us help you save!
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